Monday, July 27, 2020

the right tool for the job

This blog is still active (I promise), but lately I've been putting all my writing energy into putting together the speech I'm giving at Toastmasters on August 6th. The working title is "The Rights of the Minority in a Democracy." I hope to record it and post a link here.

In the meantime, just a thought I had while working this morning. Last week was rough at work, and it's especially hard to unwind when your office is also your bedroom. It got me thinking about a conclusion I arrived at way back when I started my self-improvement journey.

In a lot of aspects of life, it's a good idea to think about the opportunity cost of how you spend your time. Is it worth playing video games for an hour when you could spend that time reading, or cleaning the kitchen, or practicing piano? But if you think about all of your time this way, constantly trying to make the most of your free time, you'll burn yourself out. Sometimes playing video games really might be the best way to spend your time if it's helping you relax and unwind. The frame of mind that will help you be successful isn't always the best for being happy.

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